I have been using the Neptune 4 Max for a little over a month now. Love the printer, but it can misbehave. I have been printing for a few years now and I can count on one hand how many spaghetti monsters I have printed. That number has already been dwarfed with the addition of my N4M. While doing some research on why and how to stop it I came across the Spaghetti Detective (renamed Obico). I have heard of this many years ago and just never had a use for it, plus it costs money. I did a little more looking this time and found out you can self-host the platform to use the detective. No more paying for it. I like free. I should note that Obico does have a free tier, but it only provides 10hours of AI crunching detection.
Here’s how I installed Obico/Spaghetti Detective on my Neptune 4 Max. You should be able to follow Obico’s installation instructions and just adjusting the file paths but just in case I wrote up how I did it. I have a small Linux server (an Intel NUC) that sits in my office and runs all of my goodies. Anything that needs to run 24/7 or be accessible at all times lives there. Unfortunately while a Raspberry Pi is great for most things Obico states that they do not have enough power to run the AI software. A more robust piece of hardware is required, any old computer or laptop should work. They did just release the Pi5 so I am curious if that would work. If the machine has an NVIDIA card in it even better.
Obico released a small guide to get you started with Obico and the Neptune 4 Max with the cloud. These directions will get your printer setup for Obico. There are similar instructions below on how I did it for the self-hosted version of Obico.