My site hosting provider account was expiring, I knew this. I had some plans, then my home server died on me. Well shit, there goes the backup plan. Cut to the point, I had to go to the hospital again for another few days last week. Just in time to get out with one day left on my hosting. Throw in some other bullshit and you get a 90% backup of the site. It’s up, it’s running (thanks to some friends) but in the whole shenanigans of the all I forgot to backup all the god damn media (I swear I always do this). I may have some images still on my hard drive and I may update it over time but as for now, all of the images are gone. Sorry about that. I am probably more pissed off about it than you are.
If you do get to a post that has a broken image and it feels important to you, shoot me a comment on the page and I will see what I can do for you. Also, if you see anything else broken let me know as well.
Update: I was able to jam back into the master ftp account. The domain had been moved already, but there was still some others left on the account leaving the ftp up. Fucking SAWEEET!! All images should be restored.
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